At any age, gardening is one of the best activities we can do outdoors. It stimulates all the senses, awakens our connection with nature and with our companions, and rewards us with fresh flowers and nutritious fruits and vegetables.
Through funding from New York City Food collaboration with Shorefront JCC, we were able to use space in the back of The Leader Family Food Pantry to create a community Garden for our seniors. The project originally started in April when a group of volunteers from RAJE came to help clear out the space and set up planting beds for seniors.
Since then, we are excited to report that our seniors have been getting together every two weeks to plant, clean and maintain this amazing garden. Presently, our seniors are growing tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, celery, and grapes alongside lilies and daisies.
Gardening is an excellent way for seniors to socialize and get a moderate-intensity aerobic workout and stay flexible.
I came to the US in 2011 from Uzbekistan and started ESL classes at SJCC in 2012. I first became a home attendant and because of the skills I learned at SJCC I was able to help my clients navigate situations in English. I was then able to take a course to become a hair dresser. I now work at a salon in Manhattan. This is all because of the ESL classes I was able to take at SJCC.